Capture Input
Capture images directly from the camera to Object2VR Studio.
The capture feature is found in Object2VR Studio.
Open the Capture panel.
Make sure all the devices (camera/turntable) are plugged in and powered up. When they’re ready, they will appear in the Devices section.
If they do not automatically appear, it could be that drivers are needed. Please check with the manufacturer.
Connect the camera using the Connect button (blue plug icon). The Camera Control dialog will popup, giving you the option to set the exposure (and the plug icon will turn green).
Connect the turntable using the Connect button (blue plug icon). In the Turntable Control dialog, choose the correct serial port. For most tables, you can use Auto Detect.
Check the Capture Log (Go to Window > Capture Log) it should say, connected. If it did not connect, an error message will appear.
Do an initial set-up in the Capture Properties. If your hardware set-up is always the same, this will be a one-time set-up process.
★ Tip If you have already done this set-up, move on to step 6.- Choose how the camera is triggered in the Trigger section of the Capture Properties. You can either connect your camera to the computer with a USB connection, or connect it to the turntable. You can also choose to trigger the camera manually.
★ Tip Manually triggering the camera is a good option for when you need to change or move the object in between shots.
- If needed, change the Delay between each Trigger. This helps to ensure that the object stops moving after the table rotates.
- Determine how the images will come in to Object2VR Studio in the Image Source section. They can be transferred directly from the camera via USB, or through a watched folder. Learn more.
- Choose how the camera is triggered in the Trigger section of the Capture Properties. You can either connect your camera to the computer with a USB connection, or connect it to the turntable. You can also choose to trigger the camera manually.
In the Project Properties define the number of Columns and Rows that will be shot.
Turn on Live View of the camera in the Viewer using the Toggle Live View button and make some exposure adjustments if necessary.
Click the Record button in the Capture Control section of the Capture panel to start the shooting process.
The first image will be taken, then the table will rotate. You will see an animation in the Turntable section depicting the angle of rotation of the table, and the corresponding image that was taken. You can also watch the process in the Capture Log. When the process is finished, the Log will show, Finished and the animation will show, 100%.
Check the sequence in the Light Table. If an image needs to be retaken, right-click on it and choose, Reshoot. The table will reposition itself and the camera will fire.
Optionally, when the process is finished, use the Light Table to make final organizational changes and then process the images if needed.