
In the actions section of the Actions/Modifiers tab in the Skin Editor, you'll find a column called Sources with a pop-up menu. These sources represent the triggers that cause the actions.


This is the default. When it is chosen, there will be no action.

Mouse Click

Use this source to trigger an action when an element is clicked which requires a mouse up (triggered) and mouse down.

More Mouse Actions

Mouse Double-Click

Use this source to trigger an action when an element is double-clicked.


This source will be triggered when an element is clicked and pressed (continuously triggers while mouse is down).

Mouse Hover

Use this source to trigger an action when the pointer hovers (continuously triggers) over the interactive element.

Mouse Down

This source represents the down action of a mouse click (when the user briefly presses down on the mouse).

Mouse Up

This source is the return action of the mouse click – when a user lifts their finger back up finishing the mouse click. Also a mouse click requires the mouse button to go down and up on the element to trigger an output. For Mouse Up, the click down can happen anywhere in the screen and only has to come up on the element to activate.

Mouse Enter

This source will trigger an action when the mouse pointer enters an interactive area.

Mouse Leave

This is the opposite trigger of mouse enter. It will trigger an action when the mouse pointer leaves an interactive area.

Player Mouse Actions

Player mouse actions will activate when a click occurs inside the player, but not on the skin.

Player Mouse Click

Triggered when the mouse clicks in the panorama player. For example, you could use this to hide a skin element when the panorama is clicked (but not a click and drag).

Player Mouse Double-click

Triggered when a double-click occurs in the panorama.

Player Mouse Up

This source is triggered when a the mouse lifts up off the panorama.

Player Mouse Down

Triggered when the mouse is clicked down on the panorama. If you want to hide skin elements when someone clicks (or drags) inside the panorama, you could use this source.



Some elements have an Active state (for example, node markers and timers). This source will trigger when the element becomes active.


This source will trigger when the element becomes inactive.

Media Ended

This source is intended for video elements (including YouTube and Vimeo videos) and seekbars only. This can be used to trigger an action once the media ends. For example, you can have the video hide itself when it’s finished playing.


Use this source to initiate an action when the skin is first loaded.

For example, you can use this to move elements within the skin to their starting positions. Once the project is downloaded, the actions will start immediately. This can be good or bad.

If you have sound, for instance, it will not play until the viewer is loaded. If you are using sound, try using Config Loaded instead.

Config Loaded

Once the XML is loaded then the action will take place. If you have sound in your project, for example, it will be available to play.

Images Ready

Use this source to trigger an action once the panorama has loaded. This may be useful for hiding a loading bar or splash screen.

Node Change

Before Node Changed

Specify an action that should occur before a node changes.

Node Changed

Use this source to show a hidden element. This is useful for showing loading bars for each panorama in a tour.


Fullscreen Enter

Use this source to create an action once the panorama goes to fullscreen mode.

Fullscreen Exit

Use this source to create an action once the panorama leaves fullscreen mode.


Sources triggered when entering or exiting VR. Note that these sources must be used in the regular skin (not the VR skin) as they are triggered before VR skin is initialized. You can use these sources to show the VR skin right after entering VR. For that, create a button in the regular skin with Mouse Click Source → Enter VR Action, and Enter VR Source → Show VR Skin action.

Enter VR

Source triggered when entering VR.

Exit VR

Source triggered when exiting VR.


Tiles Requested

This source can be used to show a loading graphic (or any other element) whenever new tiles are requested.

Tiles Ready

This source can be used to hide a loading graphic (or any other element) once the tiles are ready.

Player State Changed

Triggers an action based on a change of the player’s state (i.e. changing the player’s window size, going into fullscreen, etc.). For example, if a gyroscope is on a device or is enabled, then the gyroscope button can be made visible. Or if the player was rotated to landscape mode on a device, you could show or hide certain elements. (★ The gyrocscope will only work if the project is hosted on a secure site.)

Variable Changed

This source is triggered when a variable’s value is changed. This is useful when you control skin variables through additional tracks in an animation. See Connecting to a Skin.

See also…

Last modified: Jan 10, 2024