Pano2VR 7.1 Docs / Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

A list of all keyboard shortcuts found in the main project window and the Skin Editor.

Below are all the default keyboard shortcuts. They can be customized in the settings.

Main Window

Description macOS Windows
New Project โŒ˜N Ctrl+N
New Window โŒฅโŒ˜N
Open Project โŒ˜O Ctrl+O
Save Project โŒ˜S Ctrl+S
Save Project As โ‡งโŒ˜S Ctrl+Shift+S
Close Window โŒ˜W Ctrl+W
Quit/Exit Application โŒ˜Q Ctrl+Q
Generate Output โŒฅโŒ˜G Ctrl+Alt+G
Skin Editor โŒ˜K Ctrl+K
Skin Editor (Current Output) โŒฅโŒ˜K Ctrl+Alt+K
Next Panorama โŒ˜],โ‡งโŒ˜N Ctrl+], Ctrl+Shift+N
Previous Panorama โŒ˜[,โ‡งโŒ˜P Ctrl+[, Ctrl+Shift+P
Hide Panels โŒฅโ‡ฅ Ctrl+Tab
Tour Browser โŒฅโ‡งT Alt+Shift+T
Properties โŒฅโ‡งP Alt+Shift+P
List View โŒฅโ‡งL Alt+Shift+L
Viewer Settings โŒฅโ‡งS Alt+Shift+S
Tour Map โŒฅโ‡งM Alt+Shift+M
Input โŒฅโ‡งI Alt+Shift+I
Output โŒฅโ‡งO Alt+Shift+O
Google Street View โŒฅโ‡งG Alt+Shift+G
History โŒฅโ‡งH Alt+Shift+H
Overview โŒฅโ‡งV Alt+Shift+V


Description macOS Windows
Set North N N
Level L L
Turn Around Z Z
Follow Hotspot (Point and Polygon) Option-click the hotspot Alt+Click the hotspot
Open Target Viewing Parameters (Point and Polygon) โŒ˜-click the hotspot Ctrl+Click the hotspot
Move forward through the nodes in the Tour Browser โŒ˜] Ctrl+]
Move backward through the nodes in the Tour Browser โŒ˜[ Ctrl+[
Go to Default View โ‡งโŒ˜U Ctrl+Shift+U
Set Default View โŒ˜U Ctrl+U
Element Panorama X X
Element Patches A A
Element Point Hotspots P P
Element Sounds S S
Element Images I I
Element Videos V V
Element Web W W
Element Lens Flare F F

Patch Mode

Description macOS Windows
Add a Blurred Circle โ‡ง+double click Shift+Double-Click
Add a Blurred Square โ‡งโŒ˜+double click Shift+Ctrl+Double-Click
Add a Blurred Cover โŒฅโ‡ง+double click Shift+Alt+Double-Click

Tour Map

Description macOS Windows
Remove links while in Switch Node in Link Mode โŒฅ+Click Alt+Click
Select pins โ‡ง+Drag Shift+Drag
Rotate/Move selected pins โŒ˜ Control
Rotate selected pins โŒ˜+Click enter control Control center control
Move non-selected pins โŒฅ+Drag Alt+Drag
Nudge map pins by 1 pixel Arrow Keys Arrow keys
Nudge map pins by 10 pixels โ‡ง+Cursor Keys Shift+Cursor keys
Lock center current node button โŒฅ+Click Alt+Click

Animation Editor

Description macOS Windows
Play/Pause Animation Space Space
Begin Animation โค’ PgUp
End Animation โค“ PgDown
Animation Mute โŒ˜M Ctrl+M
Add Pan and Tilt Keyframes to active point hotpot โŒฅ+Enter Alt+Return

Skin Editor

Description macOS Windows
New โŒ˜N Ctrl+N
Open โŒ˜O Ctrl+O
Save โŒ˜S Ctrl+S
Save As โ‡งโŒ˜S Ctrl+Shift+S
New Window โ‡งโŒ˜N Ctrl+Shift+N
Close Window โŒ˜W Ctrl+W
Find โŒ˜F Ctrl+F
Find Warnings โŒฅโŒ˜F Ctrl+Alt+F
Hide In Canvas โ‡งโŒ˜H Ctrl+H
Lock In Canvas โŒ˜L Ctrl+L
Expand Element โ‡งโŒ˜E Ctrl+Shift+E
Zoom In โŒ˜+ Ctrl+ +
Zoom Out โŒ˜- Ctrl+ –
Zoom Fit โŒ˜0 Ctrl+0
Zoom 100% โŒ˜1 Ctrl+1
Show Off-Canvas Elements โ‡งโŒ˜O Ctrl+Shift+O
Snap To Grid โ‡งโŒ˜G Ctrl+Shift+G
Snap to Guides โ‡งโŒ˜U Ctrl+Shift+U
Detach Tree View โŒฅโŒ˜T Ctrl+Alt+T
Detach Properties View โŒฅโŒ˜P Ctrl+Alt+P
Toggle Properties View โŒฅโ‡ฅ Ctrl+Tab
Toggle Tree View โŒฅโ‡งโ‡ฅ Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Compact Tree View โ‡งโŒ˜T Ctrl+Shift+T
Properties Solo Mode โ‡งโŒ˜P Ctrl+Shift+P
Show Actions โ‡งโŒ˜A Ctrl+Shift+A
Show Modifiers โ‡งโŒ˜M Ctrl+Shift+M
Bring Main Window Forward โŒฅโŒ˜K Ctrl+Alt+K
Live Preview โ‡งโŒ˜L Ctrl+Shift+L
Color Tool โ‡งโŒ˜C Ctrl+Shift+C
Components Toolbox โ‡งโŒ˜X Ctrl+Shift+X
Generate Output โŒฅโŒ˜G Ctrl+Alt+G
Element Containter โŒ˜K Ctrl+K
Element Rectangle โŒ˜R Ctrl+R
Element Text โŒ˜T Ctrl+T
Element Image โŒ˜I Ctrl+I
Element Button โŒ˜B Ctrl+B
Element SVG โŒ˜G Ctrl+G
Element External Image โŒ˜E Ctrl+E
Element Scroll Area โŒ˜R Ctrl+R
Element Hotspot Template โŒ˜P Ctrl+P
Element Marker โŒ˜M Ctrl+M

General Shortcuts

These shortcuts are found throughout Pano2VR and are not customizable.

Description macOS Windows
Preferences/Settings โŒ˜,
Hide Pano2VR โŒ˜H
Hide Others โŒฅโŒ˜H
Quit/Exit Pano2VR โŒ˜Q Ctrl+Q
Undo โŒ˜Z Ctrl+Z
Redo โ‡งโŒ˜Z Shift+Ctrl+Z

Last modified: Aug 2, 2022