Pano2VR 7.1 Docs / Create a Droplet

Creating a Droplet

A droplet is a small application that can be used to batch convert your panoramic images using the same settings without creating new projects for each image.

  1. Open a new Pano2VR project.

  2. Add any of the output formats. Add as many output formats as you will need.

  3. Add a custom output folder name and/or a custom filename. For example, you can name the files that are generated from a particular droplet by adding information about that output; like the quality of the outputted image (i.e. low, medium, high). ✭ Tip: When outputting multiple images (like timelapse sets or converting to TIFF) use the placeholder, $(n) in the filename to keep the file’s original name. Original filename: mypano.jpg. Filename in output settings: $(n)-low.jpg. Outputted filename: mypano-low.jpg.

  4. (Optional) Add User Data. The information added here will be the same across all images. This is useful if you’ll be creating a new project with the images.

  5. (Optional) Add a skin.

  6. Go to the File menu in the menu bar and choose, Save as Droplet.

  7. (Optional) Select any of the following:

    • Save Values in Project Files is useful for editing later. This will create a separate project file for each image, unless Create a single virtual tour is selected, then it will create a single project file.

    • Force Pano2VR to foreground will force Pano2VR’s processes to the foreground.

    • Create a single virtual tour will create a tour from all the images. They do not need to have location data. If you use a skin that includes a thumbnail menu, then this will be populated.

    • Automatically link the tour nodes is only available if Create a single virtual tour is selected. This will create a full tour, including hotspots. ✭ Note that the images must have location data for automatic linking to work.

  8. Choose Create. In the window that appears, give the droplet a name and save it. The droplet will be added to your desktop.

Using the Droplet

  1. Drag images or a folder onto the Droplet. Pano2VR will run automatically, processing each image individually.

    ✭ If you are using Windows and have a large amount of files to convert, you can drop the folder that contains these files onto the droplet. This will also avoid an issue in which the total length of all absolute file names cannot be greater than a certain number of characters.

  2. Check your panoramas or projects (if you’ve selected Save Values in Project Files).

    ✭ All generated files will be saved in the same folder as the source file(s) if you did not specify otherwise.

Edit the Droplet

  1. Double-click to open the Droplet.

  2. Make changes.

    If you want to apply or remove Droplet settings, go to Save as Droplet and select them. Choose, Create… and you can either overwrite the old droplet or create a new one.

  3. Go to the File menu and choose Save to save the droplet.

See also…

Last modified: Jun 27, 2022