Pano2VR 7.1 Docs / Built-in Popups

Built-in Popups

The simplest way to add popups to your project is to use the built-in skins or the the built-in components. Both require using Point Hotspots.

Using the Built-in Skins

  1. Add a Point Hotspot.

  2. In the hotspot properties, choose any of the types of the Point Hotspot.

  3. Enter a Title and if applicable (i.e Info type) add information text in the Description field.

  4. Open the Output panel and add a Web output.

  5. Add one of the built-in skins.

  6. Output the project.

    You’ll see an icon representing the point hotspot and when you click on it, a popup opens with the content used as the point hotspot type.

    If you want swap out the hotspot icon, check out how to create custom hotspot images.

Using the Built-in Components

  1. Add a Point Hotspot and define its Type.
    ★ Tip  Choose Point Hotspot mode and drag in the image, video, PDF, or URL to the Viewer and Pano2VR will recognize it and add the relevant information.
  2. In the Web Output, add a new skin using the Edit Skin button or open one of your custom skins.
  3. In the Skin Editor, open the Components Toolbox.
  4. Choose any of the built-in categories. For this example, we’ll use Feather. Double-click Feather Box Point Hotspots to add the component to the skin.
    Feather Box Point Hotspots
    Feather Box Point Hotspots
  5. Save the skin.
  6. Add this skin to the Web Output. If you created the skin using the Edit Skin button, the skin will be added automatically to the output.
  7. Save and export the project.

See also…

Last modified: Jun 5, 2024