Pano2VR 7.1 Docs / Animation

Animating in 360

Pano2VR features an Animation Editor that lets you create an animated flat video from your 360 media as well as auto-rotations.

Animations are created using clips and keyframes. A clip is defined for a specific node. A single node could have a number of clips. A group of clips create a sequence. Once a clip is loaded (or selected), then keyframes can be used to create the animation. Keyframes are points on the timeline that animate the difference between two values.

The animation created can not only be used for exporting to video, but it can also be used for autorotation in the web output.

Learn more about clips, sequences, and keyframes:

Keyframes not only determine the time a change takes between two points, but they also determine the speed at which those changes occur. There are four different types of keyframes and each can be edited.

Once you’ve got an understanding of the components of an animation, try to animate a single still panorama.

Learn how to animate an entire tour.

And it doesn’t end there, folks. You can then take your animating skills to the next level by using the animation to control skin elements. For example, at a certain angle and point in time, a text box can pop up explaining the scene.

See also…

Last modified: May 14, 2021