
Patching allows you to non-destructively extract a non-distorted portion of the input image without having to remap or convert the whole image. Add patches to hide faces, to add nadir caps, hide drones, and even adding roll-over effects.


After loading a panorama into Pano2VR or opening an existing project open Patch mode from the Viewer Modes or hit A on the keyboard.

Open Patch Viewer Mode
Open Patch Viewer Mode

Double-click in the viewer to add a Patch. You’ll see the patch icon will appear and its properties panel will open. A red icon means the patch is active/selected, while a blue icon means it is not active. More on adding patches.

Patch is active and its properties open.
Patch is active and its properties open.
Patch is not active.
Patch is not active.

See all patches for a node and relayer them in List View.

See also…

Last modified: May 12, 2023