Pano2VR 7.1 Docs / Gnome Cloud Browser

Gnome Cloud Browser

The Gnome Cloud is a service we provide that you can use to host your projects. Use the Browser to view projects and data associated with them.

Gnome Cloud Browser
Gnome Cloud Browser

Filter – Search for a project by filtering with text.

Refresh – Refresh the Browser to update traffic and views count.

Account – Your account can have multiple users and this menu will show the current user. Click it to change to another user account.

Cloud Dashboard – Opens the Cloud Dashboard where you can manage your account and portfolio in an online webpage. Double-click a project’s thumbnail to open it in a web browser.

Right-click any row to bring up a context menu to open it in a web browser, share it, or delete it.

Click on any of the column headers to change their sort order.

Storage – This indicates how much space you have left. Once the bar turns red, consider deleting a project or purchasing more storage. If the next project does not fit in your storage allotment, it will be not uploaded.

See also…

Last modified: Oct 15, 2022