Pano2VR 7 Docs / Web Element Properties

Web Element Properties

Use the Web Element to pin web content to the panorama, like a YouTube video or web pages.

ID – Each web element added is given a unique ID. The default is Element01. The number will increase with each added element.

✭ Tip – This ID can be used as a target for an action in the Skin Editor.

Code – Enter the any HTML code here. This can be the embed code of a YouTube video, or even a Street View tour.

Size – Set the pixel resolution of the web content.

Click Mode – Choose what will happen when a user clicks on the web element from the following options:

  • None – Nothing happens.

  • Pop out normal – Clicking will cause the element to move forward (animate) from its pinned position and will enlarge to its original dimensions.

  • Pop out 100% – Clicking will cause the element to move forward (animate) from its pinned position and will enlarge to fit the player window.

Hand Cursor – Select enable to have the mouse cursor turn into a hand cursor when it hovers over the pinned element in the output.

Position – Select Lock to lock the element’s position in place.

X Rotation – Changes the element’s rotation on the X axis. Units are in degrees. Correlates to the top arrow in the preview image.

Y Rotation – Changes the element’s rotation on the Y axis. Units are in degrees. Correlates to the left arrow in the preview image.

Z Rotation – Changes the element’s rotation on the Z axis. Units are in degrees. Correlates to the center arrow in the preview image.

FoV – This is the horizontal field of view that the element covers. A smaller angle will decrease the overall size; larger angle increases the size or how much the video covers the field of view.

Vertical Stretch – This will stretch the vertical dimension of the element. This is used to help assist in exact fitting of a space (like a TV Screen). Anything beyond 100% will be vertically extended and therefore distort the video. Anything below 100% will will squeeze the picture horizontally.

See also…

Last modified: Nov 5, 2022