Pano2VR 7 Docs / Add a Point Hotspot

Adding Point Hotspots

Point Hotspots are points of interactivity of varying types in a VR tour and are added directly to the panorama in the Viewer.

To add a point hotspot do the following:

  1. Open the Viewer Modes drawer by hovering the mouse over the right edge of the Viewer. Select the Point Hotspot mode.

    Or, simply use the keyboard shortcut, P, to activate Point Hotspot mode.

    Point Hotspot Viewer Mode
    Point Hotspot Viewer Mode

  2. Double-click anywhere within the Viewer to add a point hotspot. A red target icon, will appear representing this point.

    ★ The current hotspot (that is being edited) is red and its settings can be edited in the Properties. A non-active hotspot is blue.

Drag to Add

You can also drag videos, YouTube URLs, Vimeo URLs, images, website URLs, and PDFs into the Viewer when the point hotspot viewer mode is activated. Each element will be recognized appropriately and the correct hotspot type applied.

For example, if you drag in a YouTube URL, the point hotspot type will be recognized as a video as well as a YouTube video as its source. The Title will be the video’s title and the Link Target URL will be automatically added.

Point Hotspot YouTube Video Properties
Point Hotspot YouTube Video Properties

Delete a Point Hotspot

To delete a point hotspot, do any of the following:

  • Select the hotspot (it will then be red) and hit the delete key. Poof!

  • In List View, select the hotspot and either hit the delete key or click the “x” to the right.

    ★ Tip: Use the History panel to go back and undo a deleted hotspot.

✭ Copy and paste hotspots by right-clicking in the viewer with a hotspot active, and then choose Copy Active Media Element. Right-click anywhere in the panorama and select Paste Media Element to paste. You can also copy and paste hotspots in the List View.

See also…

Last modified: Feb 13, 2023