Pano2VR 7 Docs / Transformation Output

Transformation Output

The transformation output allows you to re-project the panorama to create a thumbnail preview image or an image for print.

Transformation Output
Transformation Output

There aren’t many options here in the output panel as they are all located in the Properties panel.

Output Folder

All files associated with this output will be added to this folder unless otherwise specified. Its default name is output. Its default location is the same folder as the source image.

  • You can change the output folder’s location by clicking the folder icon and navigating to the new location.

  • Right-click the folder name to change its name or to find the folder’s location in Finder [macos] or Explorer [win].

  • Each output will create a unique folder name to avoid overwriting previous outputs.

  • Erase Output Folder – Click the trashcan icon to erase all the content from the current output folder. Long press the button to choose to erase all the content except for the outputted tiles.


Generate Output – This button will generate the output. Keyboard shortcut: Command-Option-G [macos] or Control-Alt-G [win]. Alt-click [win] or Option-click [macos] to generate all outputs.

Open Output – Click this button to view the output (output must be created first) using the Integrated Web Server.

Browser – Open the Gnome Cloud Browser.

See also…

Last modified: Oct 13, 2022