Pano2VR 7 Docs / Properties


The Properties panel is where individual settings are set for the input image or video, the project, and for each of the Viewer Modes.

The Properties panel will adjust to what is selected in Pano2VR. When the panorama is selected, the general properties will appear. When certain elements are selected, this panel will show that element’s properties.

Rich Text Editor

The rich text editor is found in many of the Project User Data and User Data fields, as well as the text input for the Text Box skin element. You’ll also find the Text Editor in the Skin Editor for text input fields. Click the Edit button to open.

The Rich Text Editor
The Rich Text Editor

Use the text editor to write in plain text, rich text, and Markdown. Commonmark is the flavor of markdown that is supported in the editor.


The Text/Markdown tab is for writing plain text or Markdown.

If using Markdown, select Markdown.

The Markdown editor supports Commonmark. To learn Markdown or to see what Commonmark supports, visit this Markdown Reference.

Markdown editor and the rendered text on output.
Markdown editor and the rendered text on output.


Use the Visual tab to write rich text. Here, you can choose the text style from the menu. The default is Standard. Next to the list is the option to change the text to bold, italic, and to a web link.

Visual Text Editor
Visual Text Editor

See also…

Last modified: Jun 21, 2022