Sound Element Properties | Object2VR
Add the sound file by dragging it to the Editor or Tree. Select the element to be edited in the Tree to bring up its properties. Sound properties ID: Here you set a unique identification of the sound. The default ID takes its name from the file name. Level: Set the volume level […]
Skin Sources | Object2VR
In the actions section of the Actions/Modifiers tab in the Skin Editor, you’ll find a column called Sources with a pop-up menu. These sources represent the triggers that cause the actions. For the list of actions, see this article. For a list of examples using Sources and Actions, see this document. The Actions/Modifiers […]
Skin Modifiers | Object2VR
Use modifiers to affect a skin element’s behavior. Skin Editor Modifiers. The modifiers in this image will cause an element to move with the mouse. Contents 1 Target Value 1.1 Move X 1.2 Move Y 1.3 Scale 1.4 Scale X 1.5 Scale Y 1.6 Rotate 2 Source Value 2.1 Pan 2.2 Tilt 2.3 […]
Skin Editor Masking | Object2VR
Masking allows you to show parts of an image or sets of images and hide other parts, so masking off the unseen area. This effect can be used when building Galleries, Load Bars and gives you another resource to create some good effects. Download the source files Download Video How Does Masking Work? Masking is […]
Skin Editor Margins | Object2VR
Margins allow you to set a separate window within the Skin Editor to display the object while being able to display elements outside of the main image area. Download the Skin Work out the sizes. Set the output window size that includes the margins in the output settings.The margins work with the window size that […]
Skin Editor | Object2VR
Object2VR – Help In Object2VR you can create or add a skin to your Flash and/or HTML5 outputs. A skin, as a whole, is a graphical element (interface) that is layered over the panorama or object movie, and can include images, buttons and sounds. For example, a controller skin includes graphical elements (buttons) that allow […]
Skin Actions | Object2VR
You can apply actions or a set of directions for any object added to the skin to create interactivity. You get to the actions list by selecting the element in the editor or the tree and then add an action in the Properties panel. A dialog will appear. Select the Source and the Action. […]
A skin is a collection of text and graphical elements overlaid on the image (or surrounding the image). A controller skin, for example, includes graphical elements that allow you to manually control the outputted project. The skin will be saved as a separate file (GGSK). If you want easy access to your skins files via […]
Settings – Preferences | Object2VR
Object2VR – Help Object2VR’s user preferences or settings can be found under File > Settings on Windows and Linux; and under Object2VR > Preferences on Mac OS. Contents 1 General 2 Files 2.1 Directories 2.2 Output 3 Web Server 4 Images – Skin Editor General Language: Choose from the following languages: English Arabic German Greek […]
Scalable vector graphics (SVG)
Is an XML based 2D vector graphics format. Common Problem One of the most common problems is the wrong mime type for the SVG graphics. In this case the image is not displayed correctly on some browsers like on the iPhone/iPad. You need to make sure that your webserver is serving the file with the […]
SWF File Properties | Object2VR
SWF File Properties Contents 1 Position 2 Appearance 3 SWF 4 Advanced 5 Actions 6 Modifiers 7 See also Position ID: Give the SWF a unique ID or name. Position: The x and y coordinates for the SWF file. This field is also visible (and editable) in the Editor Panel. Anchor: Use this […]
SVG Image Properties | Object2VR
SVG File Properties Contents 1 Position 2 Appearance 3 SVG Image 4 Advanced 5 Actions 6 Modifiers 7 See also Position ID: Give the image a unique ID or name. This field is also visible (and editable) in the Editor Panel. Position: The x and y coordinates for the SVG. Anchor: Use this […]
Rectangle Element Properties | Object2VR
Rectangle Properties Contents 1 Position 2 Appearance 3 Rectangle 4 Advanced 5 Actions 6 Modifiers 7 See also Position ID: Give the rectangle a unique ID or name. An ID is given automatically and will be numerically ordered when more than one are added. If an ID is already be used by another […]
Recovering Skins and Templates Folders | Object2VR
Sometimes it can happen that you accidentally overwrite or delete one of the pre-installed skins or templates. So, how do you get them back? If you just remove their folders and restart Pano2VR or Object2VR, the folders will re-appear containing the original pre-installed templates and skins. Check out the tip below for better clarification. See […]
QuickTime Output Settings | Object2VR
Object2VR – Help Contents 1 Settings Tab 1.1 Image Settings 1.2 Display 1.3 Auto Play 1.4 Zoom 1.5 Output 2 HTML Tab 2.1 Template Parameters 2.2 Template Output Settings Tab Object2VR’s QuickTime Settings Image Settings Image Width: Define the image width of your project in pixels. Choose Auto to use the original width of the […]
QTVR Output | Object2VR
Object2VR – Help The following will explain how to output a QuickTime VR movie. The general workflow for this is to adjust the QuickTime settings and then adjust the HTML settings for exporting an HTML file to add to your website. For a more complete tutorial, please check out the Getting Started tutorial. Contents […]
Properties | Skin Editor | Object2VR
Object2VR – Help The Properties section is where you can edit each element and change the way it behaves through actions. All the properties are grouped in collapsable panels. ◊ TIP: To make editing easier, you can also detach this panel to get a floating window. Go to, View > Detach Properties View. Contents 1 […]
Project Window | Object2VR
Object2VR – Help The project window is the first window you’ll see when you open Object2VR. This is the main workspace; it is where you import your images, add outputs, define viewing parameters, add metadata and hotspots. Object2VR Project Window (Note: Toolbar may be hidden, depending on Settings/Preferences.) Contents 1 New, Open, Save 2 Input […]
A placeholder is like a shortcut for displaying data or text from other sections of the software. For example, a text box in the skin may contain $p which will display the percentage of how much the image has loaded, while $ut will display the Title in the User Data. See also List of Placeholders […]
Object VR Movie
An Object VR (Virtual Reality) Movie is an interactive movie that allows the user to rotate or spin an object. Examples of these movies can be seen here.