Working with VR180 Video – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Working with VR180 Video Learn how create interactive VR180 stereo or mono video panoramas that can be viewed on the computer, mobiles, VR headsets and Apple's Vision Pro. Create an interactive VR180 Video Drag in the video to the Viewer or Tour Browser. It will immediately look distorted. Head to step 2 to fix this. […]

Create a 360º Video Tour – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Create a 360º Video Tour 360 video tours can be created by adding videos to the Tour Browser and linking them together with point hotspots or polygon hotspots. In this example, we create a basic 2-node tour using point hotspots. (Polygon hotspots could also be used.) Add a 360º video in the Input Video section […]

Working with 360º Video – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Working with 360º Video Learn how create interactive 360º video panoramas that can be viewed on the computer, mobiles, VR headsets and Apple's Vision Pro. Create an Interactive 360º Video Drag a stitched equirectangular 360º video panorama to the Viewer (or Tour Browser). The video will appear in the Viewer with playback controls. Pano2VR will […]

Working with Video Panoramas – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Working with Video Panoramas Learn how to work with Video panoramas whether they are 360º Video, 180º Video, Stereo, or Mono type videos. Pano2VR supports 360º and 180º video panoramas. Drag in your stereo or mono video panoramas and create interactive tours or single-node project for viewing in the browser on the desktop, mobile devices, […]

Generate an Alternative Sound File – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Generate an Alternative Sound File Alternative audio files can be converted from within the Sound Mode's properties. Set the converter up. Add a sound. With the sound selected open the Properties panel if not already opened. For the Alternative File setting, click the gear icon to open the converter. Click the gear icon to open […]

Generate an Alternative Sound File – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Generate an Alternative Sound File Alternative audio files can be converted from within the Sound Mode's properties. Set the converter up. Add a sound. With the sound selected open the Properties panel if not already opened. For the Alternative File setting, click the gear icon to open the converter. Click the gear icon to open […]

Cloner Element – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Cloner Element The cloner is a useful tool that's used to quickly build menus from hotspots, translations and more. To clone an element (like a text box or node image), select the cloner element from the toolbar, then draw around the element to be cloned. Cloners can be expanded and worked on in isolation from […]

Built-in Popups – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Built-in Popups The simplest way to add popups to your project is to use the built-in skins or the the built-in components. Both require using Point Hotspots. Using the Built-in Skins Add a Point Hotspot. In the hotspot properties, choose any of the types of the Point Hotspot. Enter a Title and if applicable (i.e […]

Cloner Element – Object2VR 4 Documentation

Cloner Element The cloner is a useful tool that's used to quickly build menus from hotspots, translations and more. To clone an element (like a text box or node image), select the cloner element from the toolbar, then draw around the element to be cloned. Cloners can be expanded and worked on in isolation from […]

Built-in Popups – Object2VR 4 Documentation

Built-in Popups The simplest way to add popups to your project is to use the built-in skins or the the built-in components. Both require using Point Hotspots. Using the Built-in Skins Add a Point Hotspot. In the hotspot properties, choose any of the types of the Point Hotspot. Enter a Title and if applicable (i.e […]

Command Line – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Command Line This article describes the current command line options for Pano2VR. pano2vr [-x] [-t <filename.p2vr>] <input file> <input file> … -x: This option executes the following input files. If the input file is a .p2vr file the result is the same as hitting the Generate Output button. -t <filename.p2vr>: This option selects a .p2vr […]

FFmpeg – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

FFmpeg FFmpeg is a free software project that produces libraries and programs for handling multimedia data that Pano2VR uses to create poster frames for videos and export animation videos. You’ll know if FFmpeg has not been installed if you cannot select Generate Video File in the Animation settings. Download Go here: Go to the […]

A Note on Sound – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

A Note on Sound Audio can be tricky on the web due to the varying support of formats and how browsers handle audio playback. Read on to learn more about using audio in your projects. Sound Formats and Quality Not all sound files are the same. MP3 files are the most supported across all browsers. […]

A Note on Sound – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

A Note on Sound Audio can be tricky on the web due to the varying support of formats and how browsers handle audio playback. Read on to learn more about using audio in your projects. Sound Formats and Quality Not all sound files are the same. MP3 files are the most supported across all browsers. […]

Build a Tour for Immersive View – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Build a Tour for Immersive View Learn how to build a tour specifically for viewing in VR using Stereo and Mono images with 360º and 180º views. Build a Tour The most basic tour will use a skin that has an Enter VR button. The skin added in the Web Output settings will not appear […]

Building Panoramic Tours – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Building Panoramic Tours Learn the basic workflows for building basic tours in Pano2VR. Learn how to build a tour with 360º panoramic imagery in Pano2VR using the the following tutorials: Build a Panoramic Tour Build a Tour for Immersive View Build a tour for Google Street View Learn to build a tour with a one-shot […]

Actions – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Actions Actions or a set of directions can be applied to any element added to the skin to create interactivity. Panorama Movement Pan This action is commonly used on buttons that have an arrow indicating left or right. Applying this action to an interactive button or image will cause the panorama to rotate to the […]

Actions – Object2VR 4 Documentation

Actions Actions or a set of directions can be applied to any element added to the skin to create interactivity. Object Movement Pan This action is commonly used on buttons that have an arrow indicating left or right. Applying this action to an interactive button or image will cause the panorama to rotate to the […]

Patch Properties – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Patch Properties After adding a patch to the Viewer, the Properties panel will open with settings that all patch types share. The default patch type is Image. The following parameters are used by all Patch types: Lock Position – Select to lock the patch’s position to avoid accidental movement. Pan – This is the position […]

Installation – Pano2VR 7.1 Documentation

Installation Installing requires downloading the software from and installing the program on to your desktop computer. Requirements macOS 11 or higher Windows 10 (1809 or later) Windows 11 Installation Depending on your system, download the appropriate version from our website. Once downloaded, open the installer to start the installation process. Add your license key. […]