Object2VR Workflow

Object2VR – Help

Below outlines a general workflow for a project in Object2VR. To get a better understanding of how Object2VR works and what you can do with it, check out the Getting Started tutorial:

Download the Project Files

  1. Open Object2VR.
    O2VR PW.png
  2. Import an image sequence.
  3. Modify the movie’s viewing parameters (default view and controller).
    View para.png
  4. Add metadata.
    User data o2vr.png
  5. Add hotspots.
    Place Poly 2.png
  6. Choose an output format: Flash, HTML5 or QuickTime.
  7. Adjust the settings for the selected output.
    Flash multi.png
  8. If outputting to Flash or HTML5, add a skin.
    O2vr Skin editor.png
  9. Output the object movie.
  10. Show off your object movie by, for example, embedding it in a webpage.

See also

Image Processing (Object2VR)
Converting Images (Object2VR)