Pano2VR 7 Skins | Debugging Your Skins

2023-02-15 17:00 CET

Pano2VR 7 has many features to help you find and fix issues with your skin, like Search and finding warnings. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to use these tools to find potential problems and how to fix them.

00:00 – Webinar Introduction
00:37 – Webinar Start
01:00 – Ways to detect problems
05:03 – Find Warnings
07:41 – Find Usage
09:17 – Using Text Box Helpers
11:33 – Find the problem via the process of elimination
14:30 – Search
16:56 – Example where Sound is not playing
26:13 – Q&A
29:28 – Example: Pop-up Image doesn’t show
41:32 – Example: Map not showing

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