Pano2VR 7 beta | Translations Part 2

2022-07-13 17:00 CEST

In our previous webinar, we introduced you to the Translation tools found in Pano2VR 7, and we created a basic translated project. This next webinar will build on the basics, and Martin will show you how to build a skin that supports many languages. You’ll also learn how to translate media, like videos and PDFs.


00:00 – Intro
00:52 – Begin Translations Part 2
01:08 – How to work with a single-language project
05:04 – The difference between POT and PO files
07:28 – Q&A
15:01 – Adding more translations
17:06 – Building a dynamic menu to change languages
22:48 – Cloner to build translation menu
34:04 – Translating media
34:33 – Translating URL
40:41 – Q&A
45:25 – Translating PDFs

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