Introduction to Object2VR 4 | Building a Controller

2023-12-13 17:00 CET

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to build a simple controller to control the object movie. You’ll also learn how to add an information popup and a clickable logo that opens a website.

Practice Images


00:00 – Start
00:37 – Webinar Start – What will be created in the webinar
03:09 – Introduction to the Skin Editor interface
05:43 – Start to build the skin, adding graphics
09:30 – Setting the size and position of the buttons
15:58 – Q&A
16:16 – Adding actions to the buttons
17:37 – Adding a hand cursor to the buttons
19:27 – Introducing Logic Blocks
30:16 – Q&A
37:05 – Create a Responsive Skin
39:42 – Q&A
39:55 – Add Information button
47:03 – Q&A
47:32 – Add a clickable logo
53:45 – Working with the Color Tool
58:11 – Q&A

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