Understanding Skins and Dragging and Dropping

We’ve recently produced two new tutorials. One helps you understand a little more about how skins work and the other shows you all the tricks to dragging and dropping in Pano2VR.

Understanding Skins

If you’re just starting to learn about the Skin Editor, you might find this tutorial helpful. In it, we open a skin and show you how the elements connect on a basic level. It also shows how to quickly edit one of the built in skins to best fit your project.

Understanding Skins – Pano2VR

Pano2VR’s Drag and Drop Interface

The power of dragging images in to Pano2VR is not only a time saver but also a nice convenience. In this tutorial, you’ll learn all the drag and drop tricks from importing images to connecting elements in the skin.

Drag and Drop Interface – Pano2VR
