March has arrived and with it a new Garden Gnome office and updated hotspot tutorials.
The updated hotspot tutorial has been posted on the tutorial page. A written tutorial is in the works. This will be handy for reading along with the screencast. There will also be a demo project available for download that you can use and follow along with the tutorial.
The tutorial is split into six parts and each part continues from the previous. However, if you feel the need to watch the videos out of order, you should be able to do so without getting lost. The chapters:
Creating Hotspots
Part 1: Adding Hotspots that Link to Websites
Part 2: Using Hotspots to Link to Other Panos
Part 3: Using the Skin to Build Hotspot Images & Actions
Part 4: Creating Multiple Hotspot Templates
Part 5: Building a Basic Map in the Skin Editor
Part 6: Using Proxies & Indicating Location
We hope you find them helpful!