File naming conventions | Object2VR

Characters that are recommended for naming file paths and IDs in Object2VR, as well as the Skin Editor are any combination of letters, A to Z, upper or lower case, and numbers 0 to 9.
You may also use a space and _ underscore.

When naming panorama input images you may want to name them in a similar way.

House_Tour_Study.tif This would give you an output file of: House_Tour_Study_out.swf

Of course, you can go into Object2VR’s settings and change the Output File Suffix from _out to something more befitting the project or your business. You can even remove it so it is not added.

Example with Suffix removed:
House_Tour_Study.tif This would give you an output file of: House_Tour_Study.swf

Other charters may be used but with Regular Expressions and possible future code additions, it is recommended that you keep with the above naming convention.

The use of other characters could result in odd behavior and is not recommended.