Pano2VR 7 beta | Custom Properties

2022-03-30 17:00 CEST

We frequently got asked for a way to add more user data fields for greater flexibility in addressing content from the skin. Instead of adding more fields, we added Custom Properties. Custom Properties are not only available for User Data but also for hotspots, giving you essentially unlimited input fields. Join us in this webinar to learn how Custom Properties can expand the features of your virtual tour.




0:00:00 – Start
0:01:10 – Begin Custom Properties
0:05:07 – About Placeholders
0:08:15 – Q&A
0:08:47 – How the project was built
0:10:35 – Adding a custom property in User Data
0:12:31 – How the accessibility button was created
0:13:01 – Custom Properties in the Skin Editor
0:16:55 – Creating the varying textboxes
0:19:07 – Q&A
0:26:51 – Custom Properties for Hotspots
0:28:43 – Connecting the Hotspot title to Skin
0:30:22 – The difference between User Data and Hotspot custom properties
0:31:35 – How to build the varying text boxes
0:41:50 – Create a “Node Visited” like point hotspot
0:46:19 – Q&A
1:01:29 – Show and hide individual info point hotspots
1:09:34 – Q&A

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