Dino Stanin, from Aeropixel, shared with us his tour of the St. Anastasia Cathedral in Zandar, Croatia.
Before you enter the cathedral, choose your choice of language in the upper left hand corner (there are four!). When you enter, music starts to play. If you wish to turn it off, there’s a button to the right in the controller to turn it off. And while you’re at the controller, make sure that Guides are set to On.
In this business, we see a lot of tours of cathedrals. And why not, they are amazing structures and are perfect 360º subjects. But what draws me to this one in particular is that it’s full of little bits of information along the way.
When we arrive at the Choir Stalls at the altar, for example, an information panel slides in and we can learn all about them and we are given the opportunity to explore up close. Move across the way to the Chair of the City Duke, and the intricate carvings are revealed. But only when you go there, do you see another hotspot across the way letting us explore even more. I keep finding different things every time I visit.
This tour is full of interesting information without being overwhelming and busy. It draws the user in and reveals the tour as you go (if you don’t cheat and use the map), instead of all at once. It mimics real life discovery quite well.