Everyday, we get to be amazed and inspired by our user’s work, but do you? Our guess is not as much as us. This is why we are starting this series, Pano2VR/Object2VR in the Wild. Every week (or close to it), we will be highlighting the work of one of our users.
To start off this series, we would like to show off the work of 360imagery headed by Stuart Thorp. They are based out of the UK and specialize in VR Tours.

This tour, in particular, has 30 nodes and flows beautifully through the building. The skin includes thumbnails, info text boxes, interactive floor plans and even an option to download a brochure.
I’d like to also point out another tour from 360imagery, only because it’s a place I happen to have been. Again, this tour features a great skin with pop-up info texts that include photos.