First virtual tour – feedback appreciated

Q&A about the latest versions
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Posts: 87
Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:04 pm
Location: Aldershot, Hampshire, UK

Hi everyone :)

Well after about 2 weeks of hard work I've got (reasonably!) to grips with Pano2VR and I've created my first virtual tour with my own custom skin. I plan to use this as an example of the sort of virtual tours I can produce, hence why the first node is stuffed full of different interactive features.

Please let me know if you see any anomalies (or any statements that just aren't true on the webpage!), and I would be most grateful if you can tell me whether any features break on different web browsers (only tested it in Chrome, Firefox and Safari on my Mac so far). At the moment I haven't optimised this tour for tablets / mobiles as none of the mouse-related actions will do anything (no mouse on a tablet :D).

I'm aware of the following bugs at the moment:
  • The video and photo media elements display underneath the hotspots in Safari, which I have reported here.
  • For some reason the popup embedded video (and the one on the floor near the car) do not appear in Firefox when viewing the online panorama, but they appear and work fine when I use my local web server (on my machine)! :|
Many thanks for your help, it's always much appreciated!

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