Droplet for strips?

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Location: Kristiansand, Norway

I'm trying to makea droplet for making strips.
So far has been very unsuccessful :(
I can't find any info on how to use the -l command line parameter, and neither could I find anything on the usage of -t --thumb or the other filenaming switches.
Pano2Qtvr apparently tries to load the non-existing $f_strip.jpg file, from the program folder?, thinking that it is the first dropped file?

I always end up with error messages and crash.
This is what I get when I run the droplet from the cmd line. The results are the same when I add real jpg files to the end of the command:

J:\Programfiler\Pano2QTVR>J:\Programfiler\Pano2QTVR\Pano2QTVR.exe -c "J:\Program
filer\Pano2QTVR\templates\Panostripe.pqt" -t --thumb $f_thumb.jpg -h --html $f.
html -l --strip $f_strip.jpg
Pano2QTVR - Quicktime VR Converter
Version 1.6.1 (c) Thomas Rauscher (support@pano2qtvr.com)

Pro-License: Bj°rn KÕre Nilssen

Looked for: J:\Programfiler\Pano2QTVR\pano2qtvr.cfg
Read Configfile: J:\Programfiler\Pano2QTVR\templates\Panostripe.pqt

Initialise PanoTools pano12.dll

Pano12 Version: 2.8.0

Number of Filters 24
Userdata - Title :
Loading 'J:\Programfiler\Pano2QTVR\$f_strip.jpg'
Caught exception: Pano2QTVR.exe: UnableToOpenBlob `J:\Programfiler\Pano2QTVR\$f_
strip.jpg': No such file or directory
Input image is square!
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I'm new to the forum, but I think my question is the same as this. I would like to be able to batch convert equirectangular images to cubic faces.

Is there a way to do this? I do not need to batch convert to QTVR. I just want to batch concert to cubic faces so I can edit nadir and zenith via photoshop.

Then I would like to batch process BACK to equirectangular.

I am just trying to speed up my work flow. When I do a large tour - 20+ images it take a long time to create a new Pano2QTVR file, open the image, and covert. I'd like to batch convert - walk away form the computer, come back - edit all faces and batch convert back again.

Any thoughts?
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Location: Kristiansand, Norway

I don't know how to do that, but I got a reply to my strip problem on the PanotoolsNG mailing list.
The trick was to edit the droplet bacth string to something like:
"C:\Program Files\Pano2QTVR\Pano2QTVR.exe" -c "C:\Program
Files\Pano2QTVR\templates\strip-maker.pqt" -l -o $f_strip.tif

It works fine, but is not what the droplet made :)

There is an old readme.html file in thwe Pano2QTVR folder where the parameters are mentioned:
-e only extracts cube faces as jpg
-x only extracts cube faces as tiff
-a assemble cubefaces
-ac compress TIFF cubefaces and assemble the resulting JPEG
-r assemble cubefaces to an equirectlinear image
also, the -f parameter may be useful for naming the cubefaces?
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Hi. I'd appreciate some further assistance with the strip droplet.

I am using the command line as mentioned in the droplet icon properties...

"C:\Program Files\Pano2QTVR\Pano2QTVR.exe" -c "C:\Program
Files\Pano2QTVR\templates\strip-maker.pqt" -l -o $f_strip.tif

However... the resulting strip file keeps saving in Pano2QTVR's program directory!

I don't understand what needs to be done to have it save to the same directory I dragged the original image from over the droplet!

(another droplet created the identical way, but with -e -f $f at the end creates cubic face files for me in the originating directory just fine!).

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Chief Gnome
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Hmmm.... the parameter --strip $f_strip.tif should do the trick. With the parameter --strip you are able to set the strip filename.
MfG, Thomas
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That's not doing it, unless I'm typing in the command line incorrect?

Now it doesn't even process the strip at all.. it just crashes out...

"C:\Program Files\Pano2QTVR\Pano2QTVR.exe" -c "C:\Program Files\Pano2QTVR\templates\CubeStrip.pqt" --strip $f_strip.tif

See screencap...

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Which looks very similar to the results I got when using the --strip $f_strip.jpg parameter .
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Chief Gnome
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I found the bug and the new version 1.6.4 fixes it. You can download it at http://www.pano2qtvr.com/download

Btw: You can generate the droplet from the menu with File - Save as Template/Droplet - Create Droplet - Output format: Strip
MfG, Thomas