How to use the Web Component with iFrame with a Polygon Hotspot

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Following a Facebook request please find this how-to to adapt a web component to be used with a Polygon Hotspot type URL.
The modification also allows the component to still work as normal with Point Hotspot with type URL.

First, download the component and install it into User-Defined Category: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=14503

Note, this is not the one that comes with Pano2VR.

Once added to the components toolbox open your skin, then in the toolbox select User Defined Category.
Then double click the component to add it to your skin.

1_332.png (16.33 KiB) Viewed 41998 times
Here the Silhouette version is being selected.

In the skins tree, select the Hotspot Template ht_url.

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Then select its actions and copy them with a right button mouse click

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Select the text box "web_page".

4_333.png (30.38 KiB) Viewed 41998 times

Now paste the actions into the text box:

5_409.png (37.92 KiB) Viewed 41998 times

The actions need to be modified as they use the placeholder $(hu).
These need to be changed to $(hd).

Select the top action and open.

6_532.png (69.03 KiB) Viewed 41998 times
Now change $(hu) to $(hd)

Now select the bottom action and do the same

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In the Text Box Advanced section add "PolyWeb" in the Hotspot Proxy ID.

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To use, add a Polygon Hotspot, change its ID to PolyWeb, add a title if needed, then add the URL in the Description Text field.
Then in the target text field add "iframe".

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If you want a different Poly to open a new window leave the target blank or set _blank.
If you want it to replace the tour use _self.

This will also still work with Point Hotspots but you do not need to change the Hotspot ID.
Iframe, _blank and _self all work with Point Hotspots as well.

The skin used in the screen shots which is a working example is also attched.
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