First Pano2Vr Project

Panos/Objects created with Pano2VR/Object2VR/Pano2QTVR. You are welcome to post your recent creations here.
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First demo project using Pano2VR. Pano2VR has a notable learning curve, but am building up proficiency thanks to the video tutorials, responses to posts in this forum, and experimenting. ... rama_Demo1
Would be nice if a Pano2VR link posted on Facebook had a preview thumbnail to better catch visitors' attention.
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Looking good.
If I may I would like to add my two pennies...

On open the text that says "Clicl Here" I would make it show the hand cursor so people know its interactive.
I just have this little rule for customer projects that if its interactive it must show the hand cursor if possible.
If the text a png image you can always add a container over the text and deselect "permeable" and select the hand cursor.

I would also add one of the silhouette point hotspot components as the red point hotspots and their tooltips don't match the buttons.

I would think about a zoom limit as I feel you can zoom in to far for the image quality, but not by much.

Just some things I would do but this is being picky :D
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Thanks Hopki. Am confounded. I've made the changes you recommended. They function per expectations in the local server. But now (vs. in the past), every time I ftp up to the website, the new changes are not in play; just the previous version. If I leave the folder name as "output" it functions per the new expectations on the website. If I change the folder name either locally before ftp'ing or after it is up on the website, to say "360_aerial_panorama_Quarry_Park_demo," then the old version opens on the website. Either I'm forgetting a very simple step, or I've changed something that I'm not seeing. Any suggestions?
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Observation... What may be causing my Safari browser to think that translation was needed? Reference attached screen shot.
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