skin not getting initial language code?

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I'm trying to get some indicator in the skin for the language selected. but if the default language is for instance english (selected in project as default, before user clicks any button or changes anything) the skin doesn't seem to know that the language is english. so I can't give some indication for current language is "english" in a language selector switch.
or maybe i'm doing something wrong..?
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Hi David,

I've just created a sample project with 3 language buttons English, Italian and Spanish, a block of text, and two variable preview text blocks. The default language is set to Italian.

You can see it working here: https://p2vr.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaw ... index.html

v7-language-buttons-0.jpg (222.92 KiB) Viewed 1430 times

The default language is set in the Edit Skin Configuration in an exposed variable "set_language"

v7-language-buttons-1.jpg (39.87 KiB) Viewed 1430 times

In the skin, there is a container called "Language Settings" that uses an Action "Config Loaded | Set Language | $(*set_language)

The other buttons, text blocks etc change the variable based on mouse-overs subsequently changing the languages and colors.

There is a zip file with the project if you want to take a look. https://p2vr.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaw ...


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yes that's how i solved it too, add a manual code. but the point is, by just setting a default language in the project ("project language"), the skin doesn't seem to know which language it has.

so without actually setting the language through a skin button or action, there is no language. (and so the default of the skin is used).

(so creating your own skin variable should not be necessary as the project language is set already) (agree, it's not a big deal and easy workaround :) )

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Hi David,
What is your default language?
Are the logic block language selections exactly the same?

For example, I am in the UK, and my default language is en-GB, when setting logic blocks to change the text colour, for example, I need to use en-GB in the logic block.
On project open then the logic blocks trigger.

If you use just en, then they won't trigger.
We will add this as something to look at as I would have thought en should trigger with all en-xx browser languages, but maybe not.

You can use the browser console to detect the browser language: open the browser console and enter: navigator.language, mine returns en-GB
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Thanks for your reply.
I work from the netherlands, but the first language of most projects is english. but i don't really mind if it's american english or gb english.. so i just choose "en", which i thought would cover all the english languages.. but both the project and the skin have "en", but it doesn't 'trigger'.
should the output language change automatically with browser language? is there a switch for it?

for now i set "en" as value manually for base language in a project variable, which then switches the language to english in the skin 'on configuration load' which makes it work as expected. it would be nice though if it could optionally switch with browser language, and then make no difference for US or GB or any other english. :)

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Hi Dave,
As said we will need to look at this.
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