Branded App for iPad/Mobile Devices

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A number of people have asked me the question, "What's the best way to view my tours on a mobile device such as an iPad or Smartphone" and in the past month I'd alluded to the fact that I'd been testing a new application specifically designed to do just that.

The new application, 360appmaker, was released today and you can find out more about the application and sign up to try it out at

The app is available on both the iOS App Store and Android Play Store

The beauty of the 360appmaker workflow is that it allows you, via a Design Console, to modify the app by selecting background colors, font colors, fonts, images, layouts, descriptions etc and make your own visually unique app.

appmaker2.png (1.24 MiB) Viewed 25455 times

Included in the Design Console are 6 screens, Home, Menu, Profile, Tour, Tour Filter and Contact with 4 different layouts for most screens.

Adding online tours are done via the Tour screen and several popular publishing systems including, RoundMe, Kuula, Matterport, 360cities, Veer, Google Street View and Amazon S3, are supported. This allows embed code from these systems to be cut and paste straight into 360appmaker.

appmaker6.png (4.58 MiB) Viewed 25455 times

For each tour you create a unique Heading, select your Embed Link platform, add your Embed Code, select your tags, add an optional description and a preview image.

At any stage in the design process you can see the results in a smartphone simulator built into the screen pages that gives you immediate feedback.

You can also assign filters based on the publishing platform as well as a set of unique filters based on your own entries.

Coming soon will be the option for an offline provision within the app that allows you to add tours locally on the device and access and view them via the app without connecting to the internet. You can actually test this now and add tours to be viewed locally on the as its fully functional, however for now the app requires an internet connection.

And finally when you want to publish your app as a standalone fully branded app on either the iOS App Store or Android Play Store the team at 360appmaker can facilitate the process using the design elements created in the Design Console.

For more information on what's possible check out my tutorial posts at

To view a published version of a 360appmaker app you can download my Red360Tours app from the iOS App Store at - Android version will be online soon.

Tony Redhead | Panoramic Photographer | mobile: +61438501002 | website: - | Pano2VR Tutorials: | instagram:
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Hi Tony,

I had no idea you have a topic here for 360appmaker. Please ignore my questions about it in my thread. I will move them here so it will be beneficial for others when they search for the app details.

Can you please clarify two things for it:

1)is your Offline one time $99(plan) fee just for one project(one Android app or one IOS app) or I can create as many offline apps as I want under this tier?

2)When I want to make an app for a tour done in Pano2VR, do I just use only panoramas from the Pano2VR project and create a new tour under an app using its design controls from your app or I can actually integrate the whole Pano2VR project(html5 output) into an app created by 360appmaker and may be just make some small changes to it?

Also would it be viable for its developers to offer one project for free or at least include more than 10 days days for trial? 10 days may be not enough for some of us to try it in full.
When I do not have anything to do I love to learn something new but normally this "nothing to do" does not last a few days. I missed many times an opportunity to try something for 30 days trial.

That's the reason I have not opened yet a trial account with 360appmaker.

And one more thing, when we can expect more guides or may be even video tutorial? I could guess some functionality if I could log in and see it but as explained above I am afraid I will waste 10 days trial if I do it right now.

For me this app is a great opportunity to offer it to my clients, especially to my current one who wants offline tour solution. However I can also use it to show my portfolio and do a community projects.
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I had no idea you have a topic here for 360appmaker. Please ignore my questions about it in my thread. I will move them here so it will be beneficial for others when they search for the app details.
Thanks appreciate it.
1)is your Offline one time $99(plan) fee just for one project(one Android app or one IOS app) or I can create as many offline apps as I want under this tier?
First off, just to clarify, this isn't my app but I've been working with the person behind the app, Sunny Dutta, on the beta to test and provide feedback.

The $99 fee is for both an Android or iOS app but you can only use one at a time. Basically you download the 360appmaker app to your iOS or Android device, log in and the app displays all your branding. It's only 1 app but you can load up as many offline tours as you like.
Also would it be viable for its developers to offer one project for free or at least include more than 10 days days for trial? 10 days may be not enough for some of us to try it in full. When I do not have anything to do I love to learn something new but normally this "nothing to do" does not last a few days. I missed many times an opportunity to try something for 30 days trial.
The current option of 10 days free trial can be extended by contacting 360appmaker and requesting an extension.

I have to say that the design console is very visual and you get immediate feedback, it's not going to take more than a couple of hours to get up to speed. The longest time will be in the preparation of the actual images you upload to populate the app UI.

I'll be posting a tutorial on my website that walks you through the complete process in the next few days.


Tony Redhead | Panoramic Photographer | mobile: +61438501002 | website: - | Pano2VR Tutorials: | instagram:
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Thank you Tony. I have passed all details to the client.

I have also discovered a few offline solutions. I have tested it on Android and it works well. No need to use a flash drive and it works in about any browser. Also I have a solution for Windows 10 Pro tablets or any relatively new windows os tablets that can run IIS(microsoft web server). I will create a post soon and explain how to do it.

I will be pushing my client to 360appmaker app anyway. It much more elegant solution for their BDMs to run it through their own branded app rather than go with deploying a specific web sever on their Android tablets.

However if they decide to go with my recently discovered solution for offline viewing on Android I most likely to use 360 app maker for myself. It is a fantastic way to showcase my tours and may be even use it for some community projects.
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Hi Tony,

the screens of your app look good for presentation on tablet.I am interested. But the app can't be found on App Store. What are your plans concerning the app?

regards, Chris
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Hi Chris,

I was talking to the developers yesterday and they have stopped the project as there wasn't enough interest in it.

Moving forward it really depends upon what you want to do with the app. Sell or give it away on the App Stores, give it to your client, for your own personal use.

The App Store route requires quite a commitment, especially on the Mac side and then there's the development needed. An alternative would be the Pano2VR Package Viewer Pano2VR Package Viewer


Tony Redhead | Panoramic Photographer | mobile: +61438501002 | website: - | Pano2VR Tutorials: | instagram:
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