Changing image of a Hotspot does not work - solved

Special forum to share and discuss skins for Pano2VR and Object2VR
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Posts: 240
Joined: Fri May 23, 2014 11:52 am


I made my HTML-Tour again for mobile-devices. I saved the p2vr-file under a new name, set the output to a new folder and saved the edited skin under a new name. Till here all works fine. I want change the hotspot image from a small symbol which is defined in the skin for the "Hotspot Roomchange" and is a SVG-file. Due to the small screen of the mobiles I changed the size and color in AI, saved under a new name in the same folder as the original SVG-file is. Then back in the skin-editor I changed the image to the new (which is correct displayed in the editor) and deleted the "mouse over"-image, which makes no sense on touchscreens. Safe -> create :shock: :shock: after uploading nothing changed. I tried a few things without success. When replacing the hotspot I can see the position change when regarding the tour in the browser. But the hotspots keeping their old (first) version. I Deleted all files in the output-folder, on the server, created and uploaded - again no changes. I closed all pano2vr files, closed the program and reopened it doing again all as before (delete all files, create new and uploaded). No success. Somewhere pano2vr keeps the first SVG-file I used. I changed the file by clicking the "change"-button in the SVG-tab in the skin editor. The output is with the image which is not used in the actual skin! What else can I try?


ERROR found. Between ears... :wink:

as in other thread mentioned I save each tour in its own folder. In DW I have to correct the path in the skin.js and I saved the search-replace for the "normal" HTML-tour and copied it for the HTML-Mobile-Tour. Added "../" and forgot to change the folder-name. So the images were taken from the HTML-Tour and the positioning etc. was correct declared in the xml-file from the HTML-Mobile-Tour. Sorry if already someone took time to think about it.
Have a nice day

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