100% Window size tour in Wordpress

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Does anyone have fullscreen window tours and a wordpress website? I understand that this question concerns more than just the pano2vr software, but i figure this is the best place to have my question answered.

I found this post in which Hopski explains how to output it, but from there im lost


I do not understand how i can upload pano2vr tour to the internet once we have outputed the files with fullscreen html selected. To be clear about this, I want my tour to appear when you click on a link on my website. Its for this reason that I think the wordpress plugin, which allows me to put the tour in a page would be useless to me. Im very new to websites, so i dont know how to upload a tour without going through the wordpress theme.

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Hi William,
To clarify, under the HTML tab the check box for fullscreen means to fill the browser window. If this is deselected then you see the panorama in its window size as set in the settings tab in the HTML page.
Lets not forget for a while HTML5 fullscreen was only to fill the browser window until the HTML5 fullscreen API came along and browsers started supporting it.

The ggpkg package does not use this. You can specify the window size either in the plugin which is global to all outputs in the WordPress site or you can add the size parameter per panorama or do both. The pano will then be displayed in the page at this size, if you have a fullscreen button then this will then open the pano filling your monitor.
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Thank you for the answer
The way you are describing it, it seems like I could upload my panorama folder to my wordpress website and use a plugin to put it in 100% window size. Unfortunately I can not find any option to put the panorama in this format in any of the three plugins I downloaded.
On the other hand, I found information concerning FIlezilla and I thought I could use this to upload my panorama. I conected my website with filezilla and transfered onto the server my whole folder which contains all the panoramic pictures and the output files in seperate subfolders, but I don't know what to do from there or if this is even what I should be doing. If you could direct me to a site where I could find more information about this it would be very helpful.
I am very new at virtual tours and I would simply like to be able to produce a panorama like the one offered as an example here:
Thanks again
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Hmmm really you have not told us enough about your directory structure, folder names or file names to give a specific reply.

I would have thought that using the FileZilla FTP software to upload to your website server only the "\output" folder would be sufficient.

On an existing website page create a text or picture link to \output\yourprojectname.html page is good enough to start your panorama project.
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I uploaded the output folder which contains all of the .swf , .html, and .xml files to the server in the folder of my domain name, which was itself in a folder called public_html. I do not understand what you mean when you say i must create a web page and link to it. If i try to write the directory (I think its called) into the browser, it tells me that the page does not exist. shouldn't the link look something like this? http://www.mydomain.com/public_html/out ... ename.html ( I realized after posting that this actually leads to a real website, but it is just the url that i want to ask about)
This is what i have written because that is the order of the folders in which my tour's html file is found, but this does not lead to the right page.
Thank you for the help
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By the way... did I mention that we do not use Wordpress, but we do use HTML and a bit of responsive web design.

your public_html is your website folder containing your home page probably called index.html

My home page would look like http://360texas.com/index.html
You uploaded output folder that the path would look like http://360texas.com/output/ that contains the panorama.html page we need to look at.

The browser points to http://360texas.com/ and you are looking at my home page that is called index.html . In that page I placed in the code

Code: Select all

<a href="output/panorama.html">Click to see my panorama</a>
2 types of links:
Absolute link syntax http://360texas.com/output/panorama.html
Relative link syntax .........................> /output/panorama.html

Replace panorama.html with your filename.html

Here I assume that the visitor is ALREADY looking at your home page all you need to do is have the browser path down 1 folder and use panorama.html

Generic server directory structure
public_html (my domain name http://360texas.com )
index.html (my home page called index.html
/output (my panorama folder contains of all files including the panorama.html which starts the panorama)
/panorama.html (my panorama html file that starts flash .swf or html5 .xml )
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I finally got it to work! I now have my first tour online. I really appreciate how quickly my question was answered on this forum.
Thank you again for your assistance
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Ok... please now show us ?
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BTW, in the WP Plugin setting width to 100% makes the site responsive to different screen widths. :wink:
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Hi folks, I've just attempted to upload a tour to a wordpress site using the plugin. Unfortunately, wordpress plugin settings only allows me to add pixel values and not percentages, and so I seem only able to size my tour to be suitable for mobile or computer. Has anyone else experienced this? Cheers, James
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Hi James
Look at the post above yours, set the width to 100%.
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