Custom URL(Node ID) Question

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my question is regarding the Nodes hotspots, do you know if there is a way to configure them to instead of handling the node id like #node123 instead of been using "#" this could be changed to "?" like query params, I mean ... my idea is instead of been having ending of the urls like this example:


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Please see the attached project.

How it works, the skin has a variable:

2.png (15.16 KiB) Viewed 8820 times

There is a code element which allows the use of a query at the end of a URL.
The code element has an action:

1.png (43.43 KiB) Viewed 8820 times

You now add to the end of the URL, after index.html, ?node= then a number.
For example:

The project can also be configured to use the custom node ID, for this, you would need to modify the action in the code element.

3.png (43.45 KiB) Viewed 8820 times

Now you can use:

(35.73 KiB) Downloaded 139 times
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Thanks for the help Hopki!

is this something that will display within the URL address or is this something "behind the scenes"?

Sorry if thats a dumb question but I'm relaying a request from our IT Team who hosts the tours for us...haha

When I implemented the changes you recommended I still see "index.html#node1" at the end of the URL. I suspect I have another skin element that could be conflicting with it, keeping it from being the desired "?node1".

I've attached a copy of our skin. I'm using a bit of javascript code to display the node at the end of the URL in "NODE ID" could that be where the error is coming from?
Last edited by C.Casares on Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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In your skin, you have a container with the ID Node ID.
This displays the node in the URL, if you delete the container it will no longer show.
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I get that if i delete that it will no longer show "...node1". Can i make it show the change using the ..."?node=1" param at the end of the URL,

I have deleted the "node ID" from the skin and it no longer shows the "...#node1" at the end of the url in the browser and my IT counterpart has told me it is working within "params" but only after manually typing it into the URL. How can i configure it to automatically tag the end of the URL with "....?node=1" ?

additionally, we have a copy current view button that is apparently reverting back to the "....#node1" configuration- can this be reconfigured to work with the new "param" configuration. Again, sorry if this is a weird question haha to be honest I'm not 100 percent sure what all this means- i am acting as the "messenger boy" in this situation.
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Just wanted to bump this thread again.

just to re-state the issue we are having as I understand it.

We currently use a copy view button which as far I understand is dependent on on the NODE ID element which is adding the "#node1" to the end of the url usnig the following code: javascript: history.replaceState({}, player.userdata.title, location.href.replace(location.hash,"") + '#' + player.getCurrentNode());

Copy button Code : javascript:
text = document.URL
i = text.indexOf("#");
if (i >= 1) {
text = text.substring(0, i);
text = text + "#" + pano.getCurrentNode() + "," + pano.getPan() + "," + pano.getTilt() + "," + pano.getFov() + ",4";

dummy = document.createElement('input');
dummy.value = text;;
alert("The view has been copied to your computers clipboard. To paste, select Edit then Paste from the Menu Bar or use the Keyboard Shortcut, Control + V for the PC or Command + V. for the Mac.");

Our IT department has asked if we could use the "params" configuration instead of the current configuration. which you supplied: var params = new URLSearchParams(;
params.forEach((value, name) => {
player.setVariableValue(name, value);
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Pano2VR is using the location.hash ('#') for accessing a specific panorama and view in a tour. (what we call 'Direct Node Access')
Using the querystring ('?') does not work...

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