
Q&A about the latest versions
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on the rough sketch below you can see the structure of my disc.

The images for the panos are in the folder user/documents/images/..... This part of the tree isn't in the sketch.

The pano-file itself is stored in user/documents/Panorama/Privat(or Company)/Theme/xxx.p2vr.

The output for the flash-files should be: user/documents/Company/Internet/Panorama/DE(or FR or EN)/Flash/xxx.swf and swfobjects.js
The output for the html-file for this flash object should be user/documents/Company/Internet/Content/DE/flash-tour.html

The output for the "html-pano"-files should be: user/documents/Company/Internet/Panorama/DE(or FR or EN)/HTML/xxx.xml, pano2vr_player.js and skin.js and user/documents/Company/Internet/Panorama/DE(or FR or EN)/HTML/images/ for the images.
The output for the html-file for this "html-pano" object should be user/documents/Company/Internet/Content/DE/html-tour.html

At the moment I have the pano-file (.p2vr) in the structure of my Internet-folder to get the files right placed. after creating I have to open the skin.js and correct the path for the images. With both I am not very happy. I want the panos itself in one folder and don't want to change paths manually because for the html-output the html-file is not in the same folder as the rest.

Does anyone know which entries must be done in the editor for the output to get this?

(I tried it by the button browse, the folders are correct but I can't open the tour.html because all links are ///localhost/user/.... :-( )
Bildschirmfoto 2014-06-19 um 09.54.44.png
Bildschirmfoto 2014-06-19 um 09.54.44.png (39.93 KiB) Viewed 1764 times
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As a guide I always make a folder for each project.
The folder contains the p2vr file, all the input images and the skin file.
This way file paths are not complex and all works well.

If you going to use more complex file paths, open and save your project file in the location you require.
Then once saved open the location to your input images and then just drag and drop then in to the p2vr file.
This should set your input file paths.
However it will be unto you to set the output paths manually.

The web server can not open file which are a level above the p2vr file. However Firefox should be able to open the HTML file directly.

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Unfortunately it seems that in v. 4.5.1 Pano2VR uses full (not relative) file paths to connect a source "Input File" to the P2VR file. Thus moving the project folder, even if the relationship of the P2VR file to the source tif file remains the same, will require you to reconnect all source files in the project. (Macintosh 10.9.4)
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