A combination of players

Panos/Objects created with Pano2VR/Object2VR/Pano2QTVR. You are welcome to post your recent creations here.
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Hello folks!

It's been a while since I last posted here, since I have begun using FPP. Nothing to do with Pano2vr's performance, but rather the fact that I can program specific XML functions that are used to wow, entice or bully customers into paying more.

That doesn't mean I have abandoned Pano2vr and I still use it when needed. This in particular is useful with mega and gigapixel images. So I thought I would introduce people to Røros 360, which is my pet project, since most of the giga images are in Pano2vr and those that are in Zoomify shall soon be converted.

The site at http://roros360.no/en contains some 120 360s and large-format images. Despite much being done in FPP, I would still value feedback on the Google Maps GUI I've had made, as well as any comments on the images, in particular the gigas; these are easily findable through the menu in the sidebar. With this comes the question of whether I have enough zoom levels.

I hope it is interesting for you.

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Dam fine panos.
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Very nicely done Jon! I am trying something similar using wordpress and wpgeo plugin but this looks a lot more seamless.
Not sure if my display resolution is small(1366x768) the logo(right bottom) & "We recommend... etc" seem to overlay each other. Also "You can customize..." popup doesn't close. I am using chrome v19 on win7.
Rest is very neatly executed!
roros.jpg (59.52 KiB) Viewed 5562 times
Jack of all Trades at 36ty Solutions, India
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Yes, it is a bit of a pain. I have got rid of a couple of redundant categories - well not redundant, but unnecessary - an played around with the placing a little.

The problem is that the tour is so very big, and getting bigger . . .

Thus, version 2 is on the way (hopefully within the week).

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