color tool and SVG

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i try to develop some "universal" button style i can easily adapt, a bit like having many shapes in one SVG but make toe ones i don't need transparent with the color tool. But, in V7 beta, it's almost impossible to target the right layers, as soon as colors change, it seems the whole color tool re-arranges things and it becomes super difficult to keep track of what's going on. For skin elements i can see the use of this behaviour (to change many colors or elements at once) but for SVG (apart from the very simple ones) it's not very practical. Could there be a workaround or alternative way (so the color tool doesn't re-arrange anything) for this?

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Hi David,

Personally, I haven't seen any issues with the colour tool in V7. The important thing when creating the SVG is to colour each individual element, that you want to recolour, as a unique colour and when recolouring in Pano2VR to once again use unique colours. For example, if I have an svg file, say a circle, outline and a question mark in the centre like a help button and I've set 3 different colours in the svg for each element and I colour the outline and a question mark in white because they are the same colour after saving the changes they will only appear as a single colour if I go to change the colours again.

In this case, I would use two shades of white say #ffffff (red 255, green 255, blue 255) for the outline and #feffff (red 254, green 255, blue 255) for the question mark, impossible to see the difference. However, when I open the Colour Tool again I will see all three colours and to detect the difference between the whites when you mouse over the colour it will show a tooltip of the hexadecimal colour.

Tony Redhead | Panoramic Photographer | mobile: +61438501002 | website: - | Pano2VR Tutorials: | instagram:
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Hi Tony,

Thank you for the message, it's indeed what i do. I make a button with super weird colors, that are all different. maybe 7 different ones, all meant to change in the skin, with the variables. but once i put two on transparent it seems they get put together in the color tool as one color and one layer, after which it's not possible to make a difference anymore. Also the original colors i can't seem to get back. Also the assignments to variables just disappear often. The color tool seems to re-order and organize things which could be fine for normal skin elements (because you can still pick elements separately in the skin) but with the SVG's i get lost completely. So for this i would love to have some checkbox "don't re-organize"... or something.
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Hi David,
When you add your button that has distinctive colours, expose the colours first in the colour tool and name each.
Then when you change the colours, the skin editor has a better chance of keeping them separate.
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ah it seems to go a bit better now, with all new names for "expose to". (not using existing ones)
hope i can make it work fully.
thanks and best,
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