Amount of images v quality and download spped

Q&A about the latest versions
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Posts: 198
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Hi all. Got a couple of object movies to do this week so i just wondered what was your preferred
quantity of images, size, window size etc to create a smooth(ish) nice professional looking object
movie bearing in mind loading time etc,

On another note a long bug list is forming on another post, but no post from Thomas or updates to this prog for a long while,
not even a "update coming soon post"! Has this prog taken a back seat to the others?
many thanks, John G.
Kind regards,

John Goulding
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Just my 2 cents. I work with 20 images per rotation at 600x600. Seems to be a happy medium between size, smoothness and load time.

20 image per row product shot at 650k

and the same at 40 rows

40 image per row product shot at 1100k
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I agree. 1# loads in 1 second. #2 loads in 3 seconds But who keeps track of time?
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Thanks for the reply. I actually think the second one of yours looks really good, is nice and smooth and loads pretty quick!
40 images though, shouldn't that be 36? Or have i lost the plot.
Will be starting a few this weekend so will experiment. I suppose you can take lots of images and use all or less as required.
It would also be good if Thomas could post us an update on how the updates are going, or not as the case may be.
I would still prefer to work on a proper working version as the one out now still seems to have strange image loading
annoyances and plenty of bugs being reported on the bug post.
I will post some work hopefully this weekend so you can have a look.

cheers, John G.
Kind regards,

John Goulding
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The core to the rotation on that rig is a 40 to 1 transmission. Not an auto transmission, but a gear reduction device. I can do devisibles of 40. So I can shoot 40, 20, 10. Over time I have ran with this factor, 20 seems to do better than 18 stops, but 40 has little difference to 36. We have built different rigs with different ratios, but at this point they are all on the 40 to 1 ratio.

As far as the player end of the object2vr, we have been running it through its paces, we have not had any trouble with it, the app to create the vr's is where we have found the "bugs". I do not know if some of them are bugs or by design, remember that everyone of us uses a program in different ways than the creator thought that we would. I car about running 50 vr's through in a setting. You might care more about having one project be able to be saved. and someone else might be more interested in adding hotspots. All of those functions are great things to have but Thomas has to put a priority on each one of them. That being said. GIVE A DRAG AND DROP WIDGET!!!!!!!! PLEASE...
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Ahhh, thanks. Sounds like the prog is pretty good already so am looking forward to putting it thru its paces soon once i set up
a small studio, and am sure i will post results. Thanks again for your reply.
Kind regards,

John Goulding
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John Goulding wrote: On another note a long bug list is forming on another post, but no post from Thomas or updates to this prog for a long while, not even a "update coming soon post"! Has this prog taken a back seat to the others?
There is simple reason for this long time without updates. I want to add hotspots and the "hotspot proxy" functionality from Pano2VR because it makes also a lot of senses for Object2VR. Because I don't want to hunt the bugs in both Object2VR and Pano2VR at the same time I plan to release Pano2VR 2.2 final and then I add the hotspot features also to Object2VR. When I started I thought I can finish all this much faster but with my current time frame I hope to have the new Object2VR version with hotspots in 6 weeks.
MfG, Thomas
Posts: 198
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Thanks Thomas.
I think as long as you keep posting now and again with regards to progress
and keep us all informed it will be a good thing so we dont feel forgotten!
keep up the good work. Look forward to the update and final versions,
Thank you.
John G.
Kind regards,

John Goulding
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[quote="PhotoSpherix"]The core to the rotation on that rig is a 40 to 1 transmission. Not an auto transmission, but a gear reduction device. I can do devisibles of 40. So I can shoot 40, 20, 10. Over time I have ran with this factor, 20 seems to do better than 18 stops, but 40 has little difference to 36. We have built different rigs with different ratios, but at this point they are all on the 40 to 1 ratio.

PhotoSpherix, I noticed here that your turntable may be a controlling or limiting factor in your efforts to create just the right Object VR file. Our turntable at has the ability to do any number of "steps" from 2 to 360 in a 360 degree rotation. As well it can be programmed to rotate only part way, say rotate 45 degrees with , say 20 or 18 or 36 shots. An example of a part way Object VR might be a piece of jewelry, where you don't need to necessarily turn it 360 to appreciate the finer visual elements of the product. In any case our turntable has a rotation accuracy OR minimum rotation angle of .01 degree.
Sincerely, MarkMcLean, sales manager.
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