Qtime 7 dosenot support hotspots !!??

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hello all
i am newbe in this forum when i create a tour i can see it in without any problem in qtime 6.5 but after installing qt 7.xxx all of the hotspots coudnt
work properly!!
what can i do ??
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Chief Gnome
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I guess you mean the standalone player. You have to open the panoramas with the web browser and the hotspots should work correct.
MfG, Thomas
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yeah its work on ie
but i want it play in the qtime standaone player
what can i do
do u test it ?
i can share my work to see it
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Chief Gnome
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There is not much you can do. Post the bug at the Apple site https://bugreport.apple.com/ and hope that they will fix it some day.... But I would not hold my breath. I reported this bug 10 months ago.
MfG, Thomas
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thanks alot for your answers
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I'm not sure if my problem is identical to yours, but here goes:

HELP! My hotspots don't work?

Absolute mystery! Some of my pages work but others do not.

The hotspots on this page work perfectly. http://lochorama.com/9qt.html Each hotspot takes you to a different PAGE (NOT to another Quicktime movie)

The hotspots on http://lochorama.com/17aaa.html DO NOT WORK. I get the crossed-out Quicktime logo which indicates that the page is trying to display the hotspot target INSIDE Quicktime. Could YOU please tell me if you get the same error? (it COULD be my system at fault).

My project file is http://lochorama.com/17.pqp and the movie is at http://lochorama.com/17.mov (though I'm not sure it can be downloaded - if anyone wants to take a look at them, I could email them to you)

Once created on my local machine using Pano2QT V 1.5.2, the movie seems to be perfect. Clicking on any hotspot opens the target pages in IE7.

But as soon as I embed the movie in html, the hotspots no longer work.

The only difference I can see between my pages that WORK and those that DON'T is as follows:

pages with partial panoramas WORK - pages with 360° panoramas DO NOT

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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lochorama wrote:I'm not sure if my problem is identical to yours, but here goes:

HELP! My hotspots don't work?

Absolute mystery! Some of my pages work but others do not.

The hotspots on this page work perfectly. http://lochorama.com/9qt.html Each hotspot takes you to a different PAGE (NOT to another Quicktime movie)

The hotspots on http://lochorama.com/17aaa.html DO NOT WORK. I get the crossed-out Quicktime logo which indicates that the page is trying to display the hotspot target INSIDE Quicktime. Could YOU please tell me if you get the same error? (it COULD be my system at fault).

My project file is http://lochorama.com/17.pqp and the movie is at http://lochorama.com/17.mov (though I'm not sure it can be downloaded - if anyone wants to take a look at them, I could email them to you)

Once created on my local machine using Pano2QT V 1.5.2, the movie seems to be perfect. Clicking on any hotspot opens the target pages in IE7.

But as soon as I embed the movie in html, the hotspots no longer work.

The only difference I can see between my pages that WORK and those that DON'T is as follows:

pages with partial panoramas WORK - pages with 360° panoramas DO NOT

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I THINK I MAY HAVE FOUND THE ANSWER: When creating my hotspots, I was invited by the system to enter after "http:// " my domain name + page.html"

I just erased the "http//" and simply entered my page.html

and it worked! http://lochorama.com/58_june4_pdt_fl360_HQ.html

Of course, the MOV file had to be saved in my web site directory.
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lochorama wrote:
lochorama wrote:I'm not sure if my problem is

I THINK I MAY HAVE FOUND THE ANSWER: When creating my hotspots, I was invited by the system to enter after "http:// " my domain name + page.html"

I just erased the "http//" and simply entered my page.html

and it worked! http://lochorama.com/58_june4_pdt_fl360_HQ.html

Of course, the MOV file had to be saved in my web site directory.
Although I've solved MY problem (to some extent) THERE IS STILL A PROBLEM (maybe within Pano2QTVR) - In this page http://www.lochorama.com/18_part2.html there are 5 or 6 hotspots linking to other pages on my site. They all work fine. But the third hot spot from the left links to an external site (_blank). And it simply does not work!

Has anybody else encountered this problem?
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Chief Gnome
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amoo wrote:hello all
i am newbe in this forum when i create a tour i can see it in without any problem in qtime 6.5 but after installing qt 7.xxx all of the hotspots coudnt
work properly!!
what can i do ??
Ok, I noticed for the new QuickTime version 7.1.5 that hotspots work if you remove the starting 'A' in the hotspot link (maybe this trick also works for older versions of QuickTime 7). The new version 1.5.3 of Pano2QTVR changed its behavior to match this pattern.
MfG, Thomas
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Chief Gnome
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amoo wrote:yeah its work on ie
but i want it play in the qtime standaone player
what can i do
do u test it ?
i can share my work to see it
JUHU!!! Finally after one year Apple fixed this Bug with QuickTime 7.2!
MfG, Thomas
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About time! :D

Regards, Smooth 8)
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Sam Rohn
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just came across some hotspot issues myself, and the solution was to add the new enablehref="true" attribute to my object and embed tags -
ENABLEHREF (introduced in QuickTime 7.1.5)
Allow a QuickTime movie to issue URLs to the browser.
True | False
ENABLEHREF = True | False (default is True)

Some movies are capable of generating URLs (from an HREFTrack, VR hotspots, or wired sprite actions, for example). Setting ENABLEHREF to False will prevent the movie from issuing any URLs whatsoever.

The ENABLEHREF attribute was added in QuickTime 7.1.5. The following restrictions were placed on all QuickTime URLs at this time: URLs cannot cross local/remote zone boundaries. In other words, a local movie (file:// protocol) can invoke only local URLs, such as another local movie, and remote movies (http://, https://, or rtsp:// protocol) can invoke only remote URLs, such as another remote movie or a web page. Furthermore, remote URLs are restricted to http://, https://, and rtsp:// protocols. Other protocols, such as javascript://, are prohibited.
http://developer.apple.com/documentatio ... ion_5.html

more discussion here - http://lists.apple.com/archives/QuickTi ... 00086.html

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