workflow for updating panoramas?

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what is the "simple" workflow, when updating single panoramas in an existing (older) tour.

Do I guess right with that:
1. Create an empty project and save it
2. Mark and download the tour in the "streetview browser"
3. Replace the panorama with the new one
4. Check if "north" is set correct and if therefore the (still existing) node-links are correct
5. Mark the new panorama(s) and click "upload current panorama to street view"
6. Wait up to 48 hours and check in google maps

OR... do we need to delete the old panorama(s) in the streetview browser, before point 5 is done?

OR... any other workflow, what is advised?
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If your only updating hotspot or map pin location then just click the Update Project button.
This will update the meta data.

If you have changed an image, so set a default view or added a patch or even corrected an image in a photo editor, then you need to remove that image from Google first then click the Upload Project button.

You will get the message that there are x amount of images uploaded and x amount missing and these will be uploaded.
Then you can upload the missing images.

After a while, you will see the changes appear in Google.
However, some have said that if you completely remove the project from Google then upload the project again then changes happen much faster.
Of course, this will lose the view count.
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Can I please have a small clarification on that post,
I have 2 existing tours on my street view browser. I do not wish to add or modifying any images. I simply wish to update one of the tour adding extra hotspots pointing to the second tour already in street view. I have followed the process right clicking in the streetview browser to connect the 2 tours together. Would clicking upload project to street view be enough to update the metadata including the newly created nodes/hotspots??
Am I right to guess I would also neeed doing that opening the other tour for the new links to work both ways?

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Yes, uploading the metadata is enough, and yes you need to do this for both tours.
MfG, Thomas
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Thanks Thomas,

I have tried this with the same bad result twice:
I have opened my tour (A) with pano2VR, selected the pano from tour (A) to which I wanted to add the new node.
I have right clicked in the streetview browser on the Pano I wanted to point to from my tour (B) and clicked on connect to the current panorama.
After uploading the project and after few hours, It seems it has removed from street view the panorama I had selected from tour (B)...

When opening tour (B) in pano2VR and selecting the “missing” it shows as online but with a view count back to zero. If I try to delete or reupload that pano, it gives me the error:
Error Transferring https*thelongaddress*updateMask=pose.latLngPair,pose.heading,pose.level,connections,places - server replied: not found

What am I doing wrong and any idea how to fix it? I’m scared to try again a 3rd time on a different pano...

Thanks much appreciated
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Chief Gnome
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We will look into this. For now, you can just create the missing link with the Steet View app on your phone. This should then sync back to Pano2VR.
MfG, Thomas
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