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_background sound issues on multi-node tour

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:05 am
by JDoogan
I'm having problems starting and stopping the correct background sounds for a multi node tour in Pano2VR pro.

On the individual nodes I use the actions:
Activate /Play Media /1/_background
Deactivate/Stop Media/_background

_background has been set in each node to a different background sound. The Background sound ID in media editor is greyed out and set to _background, not modifiable. Not sure why this is - I wonder if I could change it to a unique value I wouldn't have the problem?

In HTML 5 the sound plays correctly on entering the first node but on entering subsequent nodes the sound is silent. On pressing a soundOn button the correct sound plays.

In Flash the first tour plays the sound correctly. The subsequent nodes start with the sound off and the incorrect background sound from the previous node plays on pressing a soundOn button.

I have tried the same action targeting set volume, same result. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?