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Using a Set Value Action with the Video Popup Components

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:02 pm
by Hopki
I have been asked this a few times now so I thought I would make a forum post explaining how you would do it.
I have attached a project that has three YouTube and three Vimeo buttons that has the set value action and the code to open the video.
However the vale is not the full URL, we only need to set video identifier.

So for Vimeo you would click the share button, you would then copy the URL into your browser.
Paste this into a browser Address bar and you will see:
You only need the video identifier: 160880626

So the action would be:
mouse click, set value, value: 160880626, target: popup_video_vimeo
The project also has other action to show the screen tint as wells show the popup_video_vimeo element.

For YouTune, its almost the same with only requiring the videos identifier rather then the complete URL.
So go to YouTube select the required video and then right button click to open the context menu.
Select Copy URL.

You only need uZ8HQU22rFM

So the action would be:
mouse click, set value, value: uZ8HQU22rFM, target: popup_video_youtube

In the attached project I have left the point hotspots in from the components but you can remove the hotspot templates from the skin and remove the point hotspot in the Hotspot Viewer Mode.
