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Amazon S3 Hosting

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:35 pm
by delineator
Hey all,

With dropbox ending their support of HTML rendering in a few short months, I went through the process of finding a suitable host that was easy to use, cheap and reliable. And in the end, 2 out of 3 isn't bad :lol:

Before I landed on AWS, I tried out, github pages, and few other dropbox integrated hosting solutions, however, I could never get them to read correctly (some would give XML errors, some wouldn't render, some would be blank, etc etc). After futzing around with that, I landed on Amazon's S3 hosting, however, ran into a series of unexplained issues. These issues are still a complete mystery to a novice such as myself, however, I'm leaving a few notes on here so that other users who are having the same issues can find some solutions. AWS is pretty great, just fairly complicated and not very intuitive.

Finally, big thanks to Tony for helping me through all of this: its nice to know that S3 hosting should and does work, despite the various peculiarities on my own end.

The issue seems to come down to metadata tagging. By default, most (if not all) objects come in as key "content-type" and value "binary/octet-stream". I don't 100% know why this is or why it causes a mess up, but, on some test buckets it would cause the index.html file to ask to be downloaded instead of rendered as a page, and if I went directly to any of the PNG button url's, it would ask to download.

Additionally, apparently AWS S3 doesn't use folders/sub-folders. It only show them to us because we are used to them, but everything in a bucket has a flat storage system (taken from their documentation). So because of this, when I bring in the html file, xml file and various subfolders, it doesn't apply the correct metadata tagging to any of the items in the subfolders.

And here's where it gets tricky, but I can confirm it seems to work:

Create new bucket
Make sure under Step 3 that public permissions are set to “read”
Screenshot 2017-06-16 12.09.44.jpg
Screenshot 2017-06-16 12.09.44.jpg (78.75 KiB) Viewed 15224 times

Within the bucket, hit upload and drag/drop all files from your pano2vr output EXCEPT the “images” folder
Under permissions, make sure public is set to “read”
Screenshot 2017-06-16 12.11.02.jpg
Screenshot 2017-06-16 12.11.02.jpg (78.64 KiB) Viewed 15224 times
Under properties, under metadata, clear the “x-amz-meta-” and change the top header to “content-disposition” with a blank value
Screenshot 2017-06-16 12.12.01.jpg
Screenshot 2017-06-16 12.12.01.jpg (82.05 KiB) Viewed 15224 times

Hit upload

Within the aws console, create a new folder called “images”
Within the AWS images folder, hit upload

drag/drop all content under your pano2vr “images” folder to the upload box
As above, make sure public permissions are set to “read”
As above, clear the metadata and change top header to “content-disposition”

After all that, I got 2x index.html to read fine on 2 separate buckets. I'll freely admit I have no idea what difference the metadata makes or why it is so dumb, but at the end of the day, I got it working for me. It all comes down to metadata for images on subfolders defaulting to octet-stream as the "content-type" key, where if I can get them to read properly as "image/png", its all good. And the kicker is according to AWS documentation, once an object is uploaded, the metadata can not be changed, so you have to make sure it is configured properly for the upload or delete and do it again.

Re: Amazon S3 Hosting

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:36 am
by Tony
Finally, big thanks to Tony for helping me through all of this
Really glad to be of help. But guess what?

I just uploaded some files to one of my S3 buckets and got the same issue that you were seeing with the index.html file not opening but the browser showing a message asking how it wanted to be opened or downloaded.


My first reaction was, what the hell is an EHTML file?? Then I tried to remove the Meta-data in S3 but nothing worked. Then I realised I was uploading using my Firefox browser, which I have never done before, always using Chrome. So I tried the same file upload from Chrome and this time it worked perfectly.

So I'm not quite sure what browser you are using but if it is Firefox try Chrome :-)



Re: Amazon S3 Hosting

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:04 pm
Just for info.

Amazon S3 Hosting recently earned a bad reputation ... because from - go a lot of viral content.
Many providers block access from this resource. Also, many subdomains are in the database of the blacklist of browsers...

Re: Amazon S3 Hosting

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:35 pm
by Tony wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:04 pm Amazon S3 Hosting recently earned a bad reputation ... because from - go a lot of viral content.
Many providers block access from this resource. Also, many subdomains are in the database of the blacklist of browsers...
From the research I've done it seems as though the blacklisting is related to ip numbers associated with the Amazon Simple Email Service, an email sending and receiving service, rather than S3 static hosting. There is an Amazon FAQ on the blacklisting that provides an insight into the situation, albeit from Amazons perspective at ... lists.html

If you have any links with information about S3 static hosting being blacklisted I'd be very interested in reading about it.



Re: Amazon S3 Hosting

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:22 am
I read it somewhere ... that many porn-content and pirated video are hosted to Amazon only as a repository... through which it is installed through the iframe already on sites...

Because of this, many mass addresses in the blacklist... I can not give the exact link. I was not interested in this problem. I do not have a hosting on Amazon